KYC verification (mandatory)
Last updated
Last updated
The KYC verification feature has now been updated on the Miracleplay. Through KYC verification, the security of our platform is strengthened, allowing for more systematic management of issues arising in tournaments.
Only users who have completed KYC verification will be able to participate in the premium/platinum leagues.
STEP 1 - After logging into the MiraclePlay website, click on 'Account Setting' at the top right corner.
- Select the 'KYC' option from the categories, then click on the 'Get certified' button.
- Scan the QR code to access the KYC certification page and select your country.
- Complete the KYC certification process using your identification.
- Once the KYC certification is successfully processed, an authentication symbol will appear in the KYC window. (There may be a waiting time of more than 10 minutes.)