Set the Wallet

Download MetaMask Wallet, Burrito Wallet, or Coinbase Wallet and sign up for Miracle Play by going to Shop > Miracle

MetaMask Wallet Download Links:

[ Adding the Polygon Network to MetaMask (For MetaMask Users) ]

  1. Click the "Connect Wallet" button to link your MetaMask wallet.

  1. Click the "Add Polygon Network" Button.

  1. In your MetaMask wallet, click the approval button, and then click the "Switch Network" button to add the Polygon Mainnet.

  1. You can verify the addition of Polygon Mainnet in your MetaMask wallet's network settings.

[How to Add MPT Token to MetaMask]

  1. With Polygon Mainnet selected in MetaMask, go to "Miracle Play" > "Earn" > "Miracle Staking" page, and click the "Add MPT to Metamask" button.

  1. Click the "Add token" button in your MetaMask wallet to confirm the addition of MPT to your MetaMask Tokens.

Last updated